
File: biweeklybudget/flaskapp/static/js/forms.js

handleForm(container_id, form_id, post_url, dataTableObj, serialize_func)

Generic function to handle form submission with server-side validation.

See the Python server-side code for further information.

  • container_id (string) – The ID of the container element (div) that is the visual parent of the form. On successful submission, this element will be emptied and replaced with a success message.
  • form_id (string) – The ID of the form itself.
  • post_url (string) – Relative URL to post form data to.
  • dataTableObj (Object) – passed on to handleFormSubmitted()
  • serialize_func (Object) – If set (i.e. not undefined), this is a function used serialize the form in place of serializeForm(). This function will be passed the ID of the form (form_id) and should return an Object suitable for passing to JSON.stringify().
handleFormError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, container_id, form_id)

Handle an error in the HTTP request to submit the form.

handleFormSubmitted(data, container_id, form_id, dataTableObj)

Handle the response from the API URL that the form data is POSTed to.

This should either display a success message, or one or more error messages.

  • data (Object) – response data
  • container_id (string) – the ID of the modal container on the page
  • form_id (string) – the ID of the form on the page
  • dataTableObj (Object) – A reference to the DataTable on the page, that needs to be refreshed. If null, reload the whole page. If a function, call that function. If false, do nothing.
handleInlineForm(container_id, form_id, post_url, dataTableObj)

Generic function to handle form submission with server-side validation of an inline (non-modal) form.

See the Python server-side code for further information.

  • container_id (string) – The ID of the container element (div) that is the visual parent of the form. On successful submission, this element will be emptied and replaced with a success message.
  • form_id (string) – The ID of the form itself.
  • post_url (string) – Relative URL to post form data to.
  • dataTableObj (Object) – passed on to handleFormSubmitted()
handleInlineFormError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, container_id, form_id)

Handle an error in the HTTP request to submit the inline (non-modal) form.

handleInlineFormSubmitted(data, container_id, form_id, dataTableObj)

Handle the response from the API URL that the form data is POSTed to, for an inline (non-modal) form.

This should either display a success message, or one or more error messages.

  • data (Object) – response data
  • container_id (string) – the ID of the modal container on the page
  • form_id (string) – the ID of the form on the page
  • dataTableObj (Object) – A reference to the DataTable on the page, that needs to be refreshed. If null, reload the whole page. If a function, call that function. If false, do nothing.

Return True if functionToCheck is a function, False otherwise.

From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7356528/211734

  • functionToCheck (Object) – The object to test.

Given the ID of a form, return an Object (hash/dict) of all data from it, to POST to the server.

  • form_id (string) – The ID of the form itself.