Source code for biweeklybudget.models.account

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2016 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of biweeklybudget, also known as biweeklybudget.

    biweeklybudget is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    biweeklybudget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with biweeklybudget.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
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While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
bugs please submit them at <> or
to me via email, and that you send any contributions or improvements
either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import logging
from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, Integer, String, Boolean, Text, Enum, Numeric, inspect, or_,
from datetime import timedelta
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import null
from decimal import Decimal

from biweeklybudget.models.base import Base, ModelAsDict
from biweeklybudget.models.account_balance import AccountBalance
from biweeklybudget.models.transaction import Transaction
from biweeklybudget.models.plaid_accounts import PlaidAccount
from biweeklybudget.models.ofx_transaction import OFXTransaction
from biweeklybudget.utils import dtnow
from biweeklybudget.prime_rate import PrimeRateCalculator
import json
import enum
from biweeklybudget.settings import STALE_DATA_TIMEDELTA, RECONCILE_BEGIN_DATE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NoInterestChargedError(Exception): """ Exception raised when an :py:class:`~.Account` does not have an OFXTransaction for interest charged within the last 32 days. """ def __init__(self, acct): self.account = acct super(NoInterestChargedError, self).__init__( 'Could not find last interest charge for account %s' % self )
[docs]class AcctType(enum.Enum): Bank = 1 Credit = 2 Investment = 3 Cash = 4 Other = 5 @property def as_dict(self): return {'name':, 'value': self.value}
[docs] @classmethod def transferrable_types(self): """Return a list of the transferrable types.""" return [ self.Bank, self.Investment, self.Cash, self.Other ]
[docs]class Account(Base, ModelAsDict): __tablename__ = 'accounts' __table_args__ = ( ForeignKeyConstraint( ['plaid_item_id', 'plaid_account_id'], [PlaidAccount.item_id, PlaidAccount.account_id] ), {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'} ) #: Primary Key id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: name for the account name = Column(String(50), unique=True, index=True) #: description description = Column(String(254)) #: whether or not to concatenate the OFX memo text onto the OFX name text; #: for banks like Chase that use the memo for run-on from the name ofx_cat_memo_to_name = Column(Boolean, default=False) #: path in Vault to read the credentials from vault_creds_path = Column(String(254)) #: JSON-encoded ofxgetter configuration ofxgetter_config_json = Column(Text) #: For use in reconciling our :py:class:`~.Transaction` entries with #: the account's :py:class:`~.OFXTransaction` entries, whether or not to #: negate the OfxTransaction amount. We enter Transactions with income #: as negative amounts and expenses as positive amounts, but most bank #: OFX statements will show the opposite. negate_ofx_amounts = Column(Boolean, default=False) #: Include Transactions and OFXTransactions from this account when #: reconciling. Set to False to exclude accounts that are investment, #: payment only, or otherwise won't have a matching Transaction for each #: OFXTransaction. reconcile_trans = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) #: Type of account (Enum :py:class:`~.AcctType` ) acct_type = Column(Enum(AcctType)) #: credit limit, for credit accounts credit_limit = Column(Numeric(precision=10, scale=4)) #: Finance rate (APR) for credit accounts apr = Column(Numeric(precision=5, scale=4)) #: Margin added to the US Prime Rate to determine APR, for credit accounts. prime_rate_margin = Column(Numeric(precision=5, scale=4)) #: Name of the :py:class:`biweeklybudget.interest._InterestCalculation` #: subclass used to calculate interest for this account. interest_class_name = Column(String(70)) #: Name of the :py:class:`biweeklybudget.interest._MinPaymentFormula` #: subclass used to calculate minimum payments for this account. min_payment_class_name = Column(String(70)) #: whether or not the account is active and can be used, or historical is_active = Column(Boolean, default=True) #: Relationship to all :py:class:`~.OFXStatement` for this Account all_statements = relationship( 'OFXStatement', order_by='OFXStatement.as_of' ) #: regex for matching transactions as interest charges re_interest_charge = Column(String(254)) #: regex for matching transactions as interest paid re_interest_paid = Column(String(254)) #: regex for matching transactions as payments re_payment = Column(String(254)) #: regex for matching transactions as late fees re_late_fee = Column(String(254)) #: regex for matching transactions as other fees re_other_fee = Column(String(254)) #: Plaid Item ID for this account plaid_item_id = Column(String(70), nullable=True) #: Plaid Token for this account plaid_account_id = Column(String(70), nullable=True) #: :py:class:`~.PlaidAccount` this account is linked with plaid_account = relationship( 'PlaidAccount', backref=backref('account', uselist=False), foreign_keys=[plaid_item_id, plaid_account_id] ) def __repr__(self): return "<Account(id=%s, name='%s')>" % (, ) @hybrid_property def for_ofxgetter(self): """ Return whether or not this account should be handled by ofxgetter. :return: whether or not ofxgetter should run for this account :rtype: bool """ return self.ofxgetter_config_json.isnot(None) @hybrid_property def plaid_configured(self): """ Return whether or not this account is configured for Plaid. :return: whether or not this account is configured for Plaid. :rtype: bool """ return self.plaid_account_id.isnot(None) & \ self.plaid_item_id.isnot(None) @hybrid_property def is_budget_source(self): """ Return whether or not this account should be considered a funding source for Budgets. :return: whether or not this account is a Budget funding source :rtype: bool """ if self.acct_type == AcctType.Bank or self.acct_type == AcctType.Cash: return True return False @is_budget_source.expression def is_budget_source(cls): return or_( cls.acct_type.__eq__(AcctType.Bank), cls.acct_type.__eq__(AcctType.Cash), ) @hybrid_property def is_stale(self): """ Return whether or not there is stale data for this account. :return: whether or not data for this account is stale :rtype: bool """ # return False if we've never seen OFX data if self.ofx_statement is None: return False return (dtnow() - self.ofx_statement.as_of) > STALE_DATA_TIMEDELTA @property def ofxgetter_config(self): """ Return the deserialized ofxgetter_config_json dict. :return: ofxgetter config :rtype: dict """ try: return json.loads(self.ofxgetter_config_json) except Exception: return {}
[docs] def set_ofxgetter_config(self, config): """ Set ofxgetter configuration. :param config: ofxgetter configuration :type config: dict """ self.ofxgetter_config_json = json.dumps(config)
[docs] def set_balance(self, **kwargs): """ Create an AccountBalance object for this account and associate it with the account. Add it to the current session. """ kwargs['account'] = self inspect(self).session.add(AccountBalance(**kwargs))
@property def ofx_statement(self): """ Return the latest OFXStatement for this Account. :return: latest OFXStatement for this Account :rtype: biweeklybudget.models.ofx_statement.OFXStatement """ if len(self.all_statements) < 1: return None return self.all_statements[-1] @property def balance(self): """ Return the latest AccountBalance object for this Account. :return: latest AccountBalance for this Account :rtype: biweeklybudget.models.account_balance.AccountBalance """ sess = inspect(self).session res = sess.query(AccountBalance).with_parent(self).order_by( return res @property def unreconciled(self): """ Return a query to match all unreconciled Transactions for this account. :param db: active database session to use for queries :type db: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :return: query to match all unreconciled Transactions :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query """ sess = inspect(self).session return sess.query(Transaction).filter( Transaction.reconcile.__eq__(null()),, Transaction.account_id.__eq__(, ) @property def unreconciled_sum(self): """ Return the sum of all unreconciled transaction amounts for this account. :return: sum of amounts of all unreconciled transactions :rtype: float """ total = Decimal('0.0') for t in self.unreconciled: total += t.actual_amount return total @property def effective_apr(self): """ Return the effective APR for a credit account. If :py:attr:`~.prime_rate_margin` is not Null, return that added to the current US Prime Rate. Otherwise, return :py:attr:`~.apr`. :return: Effective account APR :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ if self.prime_rate_margin is not None: sess = inspect(self).session return PrimeRateCalculator(sess).calculate_apr( self.prime_rate_margin ) return self.apr @property def last_interest_charge(self): """ Return the amount of the last interest charge for this account. Raise an exception if one could not be identified. :return: amount of last interest charge for this account :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ sess = inspect(self).session for t in sess.query(OFXTransaction).filter( OFXTransaction.account_id.__eq__( ).order_by( OFXTransaction.date_posted.desc() ): if t.trans_type != 'debit': continue if 'interest charge' not in continue if t.date_posted < (dtnow() - timedelta(days=32)): continue logger.debug( 'Account %s found last interest charge as %s (%s)', self, (t.amount * -1), t ) return t.amount * -1 logger.warning('Could not find last interest charge for: %s', self) raise NoInterestChargedError(self)