Source code for biweeklybudget.flaskapp.views.accounts

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2016 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of biweeklybudget, also known as biweeklybudget.

    biweeklybudget is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    biweeklybudget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with biweeklybudget.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
otherwise altered, except to add the Author attribution of a contributor to
this work. (Additional Terms pursuant to Section 7b of the AGPL v3)
While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
bugs please submit them at <> or
to me via email, and that you send any contributions or improvements
either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import logging
from flask.views import MethodView
from flask import render_template, jsonify
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
import json
import re

from import app
from biweeklybudget.flaskapp.views.formhandlerview import FormHandlerView
from biweeklybudget.models.account import Account, AcctType
from biweeklybudget.models.budget_model import Budget
from biweeklybudget.models.plaid_accounts import PlaidAccount
from biweeklybudget.models.plaid_items import PlaidItem
from biweeklybudget.models.transaction import Transaction
from biweeklybudget.db import db_session
from biweeklybudget.interest import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class AccountsView(MethodView): """ Render the GET /accounts view using the ``accounts.html`` template. """
[docs] def get(self): accts = { for a in db_session.query(Account).all()} budgets = {} active_budgets = {} for b in db_session.query(Budget).all(): k = if b.is_income: k = '%s (i)' % budgets[] = k if b.is_active: active_budgets[] = k pa: PlaidAccount plaid_accts = { f'{pa.plaid_item.institution_name} / {} ({pa.mask})': f'{pa.item_id},{pa.account_id}' for pa in db_session.query(PlaidAccount).all() } return render_template( 'accounts.html', bank_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Bank, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa credit_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Credit, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa investment_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Investment, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa interest_class_names=INTEREST_CALCULATION_NAMES.keys(), min_pay_class_names=MIN_PAYMENT_FORMULA_NAMES.keys(), accts=accts, budgets=budgets, active_budgets=active_budgets, plaid_accounts=plaid_accts )
[docs]class OneAccountView(MethodView): """ Render the /accounts/<int:acct_id> view using the ``account.html`` template. """
[docs] def get(self, acct_id): accts = { for a in db_session.query(Account).all()} budgets = {} active_budgets = {} for b in db_session.query(Budget).all(): k = if b.is_income: k = '%s (i)' % budgets[] = k if b.is_active: active_budgets[] = k pa: PlaidAccount plaid_accts = { f'{pa.plaid_item.institution_name} / {} ({pa.mask})': f'{pa.item_id},{pa.account_id}' for pa in db_session.query(PlaidAccount).all() } return render_template( 'accounts.html', bank_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Bank, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa credit_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Credit, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa investment_accounts=db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type == AcctType.Investment, Account.is_active == True).all(), # noqa account_id=acct_id, interest_class_names=INTEREST_CALCULATION_NAMES.keys(), min_pay_class_names=MIN_PAYMENT_FORMULA_NAMES.keys(), accts=accts, budgets=budgets, active_budgets=active_budgets, plaid_accounts=plaid_accts )
[docs]class AccountAjax(MethodView): """ Handle GET /ajax/account/<int:account_id> endpoint. """
[docs] def get(self, account_id): acct = db_session.query(Account).get(account_id) return jsonify(acct.as_dict)
[docs]class AccountFormHandler(FormHandlerView): """ Handle POST /forms/account """
[docs] def validate(self, data): """ Validate the form data. Return None if it is valid, or else a hash of field names to list of error strings for each field. :param data: submitted form data :type data: dict :return: None if no errors, or hash of field name to errors for that field """ have_errors = False errors = {k: [] for k in data.keys()} if data.get('name', '').strip() == '': errors['name'].append('Name cannot be empty') have_errors = True try: hasattr(AcctType, data['acct_type']) except Exception: errors['acct_type'].append('"%s" is not a valid Account Type', data['acct_type']) if data['credit_limit'].strip() != '': errors = self._validate_decimal('credit_limit', data, errors) if data['apr'].strip() != '': errors = self._validate_decimal('apr', data, errors) if data['ofxgetter_config_json'].strip() != '': try: json.loads(data['ofxgetter_config_json']) except Exception: errors['ofxgetter_config_json'].append('Invalid JSON!') if data['prime_rate_margin'].strip() != '': errors = self._validate_decimal('prime_rate_margin', data, errors) if data['interest_class_name'] not in INTEREST_CALCULATION_NAMES: errors['interest_class_name'].append('Invalid interest class') if data['min_payment_class_name'] not in MIN_PAYMENT_FORMULA_NAMES: errors['min_payment_class_name'].append( 'Invalid minimum payment class name' ) if data['plaid_account'] != 'null,null': iid, aid = data['plaid_account'].split(',') acctid = 0 if 'id' in data and data['id'].strip() != '': acctid = int(data['id']) existing = db_session.query(Account).filter( Account.plaid_item_id == self.fix_string(iid), Account.plaid_account_id == self.fix_string(aid), != acctid ).all() if existing: errors['plaid_account'].append( 'ERROR: This Plaid account is already used by the Account: ' f'{existing[0].name} ({existing[0].id}). Please remove it ' f'from that account before adding it to another.' ) for f in RE_FIELD_NAMES: if data[f].strip() == '': continue try: re.compile(data[f]) except Exception: errors[f].append('Invalid regular expression.') if have_errors: return errors for k, v in errors.items(): if v: return errors return None
[docs] def submit(self, data): """ Handle form submission; create or update models in the DB. Raises an Exception for any errors. :param data: submitted form data :type data: dict :return: message describing changes to DB (i.e. link to created record) :rtype: str """ new_acct = False if 'id' in data and data['id'].strip() != '': # updating an existing account account = db_session.query(Account).get(int(data['id'])) if account is None: raise RuntimeError("Error: no Account with ID %s" % data['id']) action = 'updating Account ' + data['id'] else: new_acct = True account = Account() action = 'creating new Account' = data['name'].strip() account.description = self.fix_string(data['description']) account.acct_type = getattr(AcctType, data['acct_type']) account.ofx_cat_memo_to_name = data['ofx_cat_memo_to_name'] account.vault_creds_path = self.fix_string(data['vault_creds_path']) account.ofxgetter_config_json = self.fix_string( data['ofxgetter_config_json'] ) account.negate_ofx_amounts = data['negate_ofx_amounts'] account.reconcile_trans = data['reconcile_trans'] if account.acct_type == AcctType.Credit: if data['credit_limit'].strip() != '': account.credit_limit = Decimal(data['credit_limit']) else: account.credit_limit = None if data['apr'].strip() != '': account.apr = Decimal(data['apr']) if account.apr > Decimal('1'): account.apr = account.apr * Decimal('0.01') else: account.apr = None if data['prime_rate_margin'].strip() != '': account.prime_rate_margin = Decimal(data['prime_rate_margin']) if account.prime_rate_margin > Decimal('1'): account.prime_rate_margin = account.prime_rate_margin * \ Decimal('0.01') else: account.prime_rate_margin = None account.interest_class_name = data['interest_class_name'] account.min_payment_class_name = data['min_payment_class_name'] account.is_active = data['is_active'] for f in RE_FIELD_NAMES: data[f] = data[f].strip() if data[f] == '': data[f] = None setattr(account, f, data[f]) if data['plaid_account'] == 'null,null': account.plaid_item_id = None account.plaid_account_id = None else: iid, aid = data['plaid_account'].split(',') account.plaid_item_id = self.fix_string(iid) account.plaid_account_id = self.fix_string(aid)'%s: %s', action, account.as_dict) db_session.add(account) db_session.commit() if new_acct: account.set_balance(ledger=Decimal('0'), avail=Decimal('0')) db_session.add(account) db_session.commit() return 'Successfully saved Account %d in database.' %
[docs]class AccountTxfrFormHandler(FormHandlerView): """ Handle POST /forms/account_transfer """
[docs] def validate(self, data): """ Validate the form data. Return None if it is valid, or else a hash of field names to list of error strings for each field. :param data: submitted form data :type data: dict :return: None if no errors, or hash of field name to errors for that field """ have_errors = False errors = {k: [] for k in data.keys()} if data['date'].strip() == '': errors['date'].append('Transactions must have a date') have_errors = True else: try: datetime.strptime(data['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() except Exception: errors['date'].append( 'Date "%s" is not valid (YYYY-MM-DD)' % data['date'] ) have_errors = True if float(data['amount']) == 0: errors['amount'].append('Amount cannot be zero') have_errors = True if float(data['amount']) < 0: errors['amount'].append('Amount cannot be negative') have_errors = True if data['budget'] == 'None': errors['budget'].append('Transactions must have a budget') have_errors = True if data['from_account'] == 'None': errors['from_account'].append('From Account cannot be empty') have_errors = True else: from_acct = db_session.query(Account).get(int(data['from_account'])) if from_acct is None: errors['from_account'].append('from_account ID does not exist') have_errors = True else: if not from_acct.is_active: errors['from_account'].append('From Account must be active') have_errors = True if from_acct.acct_type not in AcctType.transferrable_types(): errors['from_account'].append( 'From Account type is not transferrable' ) have_errors = True if data['to_account'] == 'None': errors['to_account'].append('To Account cannot be empty') have_errors = True else: to_acct = db_session.query(Account).get(int(data['to_account'])) if to_acct is None: errors['to_account'].append('to_account ID does not exist') have_errors = True else: if not to_acct.is_active: errors['to_account'].append('To Account must be active') have_errors = True if to_acct.acct_type not in AcctType.transferrable_types(): errors['to_account'].append( 'To Account type is not transferrable' ) have_errors = True if have_errors: return errors return None
[docs] def submit(self, data): """ Handle form submission; create or update models in the DB. Raises an Exception for any errors. :param data: submitted form data :type data: dict :return: message describing changes to DB (i.e. link to created record) :rtype: str """ # get the data trans_date = datetime.strptime(data['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() amt = Decimal(data['amount']) from_acct = db_session.query(Account).get(int(data['from_account'])) if from_acct is None: raise RuntimeError( "Error: no Account with ID %s" % data['from_account'] ) to_acct = db_session.query(Account).get(int(data['to_account'])) if to_acct is None: raise RuntimeError( "Error: no Account with ID %s" % data['to_account'] ) budget = db_session.query(Budget).get(int(data['budget'])) if budget is None: raise RuntimeError( "Error: no Budget with ID %s" % data['budget'] ) notes = data['notes'].strip() desc = 'Account Transfer - %s from %s (%d) to %s (%d)' % ( amt,,,, ) t1 = Transaction( date=trans_date, budget_amounts={budget: amt}, budgeted_amount=amt, description=desc, account=from_acct, notes=notes, planned_budget=budget ) db_session.add(t1) t2 = Transaction( date=trans_date, budget_amounts={budget: (-1 * amt)}, budgeted_amount=(-1 * amt), description=desc, account=to_acct, notes=notes, planned_budget=budget ) db_session.add(t2) t1.transfer = t2 db_session.add(t1) t2.transfer = t1 db_session.add(t2) db_session.commit() return 'Successfully saved Transactions %d and %d in database.' % (, )
app.add_url_rule('/accounts', view_func=AccountsView.as_view('accounts_view')) app.add_url_rule( '/ajax/account/<int:account_id>', view_func=AccountAjax.as_view('account_ajax') ) app.add_url_rule( '/accounts/<int:acct_id>', view_func=OneAccountView.as_view('account_view') ) app.add_url_rule( '/forms/account', view_func=AccountFormHandler.as_view('account_form') ) app.add_url_rule( '/forms/account_transfer', view_func=AccountTxfrFormHandler.as_view('account_transfer_form') )