Source code for biweeklybudget.flaskapp.filters

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2016 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of biweeklybudget, also known as biweeklybudget.

    biweeklybudget is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    biweeklybudget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with biweeklybudget.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
otherwise altered, except to add the Author attribution of a contributor to
this work. (Additional Terms pursuant to Section 7b of the AGPL v3)
While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
bugs please submit them at <> or
to me via email, and that you send any contributions or improvements
either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

from jinja2.runtime import Undefined
from humanize import naturaltime

from biweeklybudget.utils import dtnow, fmt_currency
from import app
from biweeklybudget.models.account import AcctType

[docs]@app.template_filter('period_panel_color') def period_panel_color_filter(x): """ Given the remaining amount for a pay period, return "red" if less than zero, "yellow" if less than 100, or otherwise "green". :param x: PayPeriod remaining amount :type x: float :return: "red", "yellow" or "green" :rtype: str """ if x <= 0: return "red" if x < 100: return "yellow" return "green"
[docs]@app.template_filter('dateymd') def dateymd_filter(dt): """ Format a datetime using %Y-%m-%d :param dt: datetime to format :type dt: datetime.datetime :return: formatted date :rtype: str """ try: return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') except AttributeError: return ''
[docs]@app.template_filter('isodate') def isodate_filter(dt): """ Format a datetime using %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S :param dt: datetime to format :type dt: datetime.datetime :return: formatted date :rtype: str """ try: return dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except AttributeError: return ''
[docs]@app.template_filter('ago') def ago_filter(dt): """ Format a datetime using humanize.naturaltime, "ago" :param dt: datetime to compare to now :type dt: datetime.datetime :return: ago string :rtype: str """ if dt == '' or dt is None or isinstance(dt, Undefined): return '' return naturaltime(dtnow() - dt)
[docs]@app.template_filter('dollars') def dollars_filter(x): """ Format as currency using :py:func:`~.utils.fmt_currency`. :param x: currency amount, int, float, decimal, etc. :return: formatted currency :rtype: str """ if x == '' or x is None or isinstance(x, Undefined): return '' return fmt_currency(x)
[docs]@app.template_filter('reddollars') def reddollars_filter(x): """ Return a string similar to ``dollars_filter`` but in red text if negative. :param x: dollar amount, int, float, decimal, etc. :return: formatted currency :rtype: str """ s = dollars_filter(x) if x < 0: s = '<span class="text-danger">%s</span>' % s return s
[docs]@app.template_filter('pluralize') def pluralize_filter(word, number=1): """ If number is greater than one, return word with an "s" appended, else return word unmodified. :param word: the word to pluralize or not :type word: string :param number: the number to check for greater-than-one-ness :type number: int :return: word, pluralized or not :rtype: str """ if number > 1: return word + 's' return word
[docs]@app.template_filter('acct_icon') def acct_icon_filter(acct): """ Given an Account, return the proper classes for an account type icon for it. :param acct: the account :type acct: biweeklybudget.models.account.Account :return: string icon classes :rtype: str """ if acct.acct_type == AcctType.Bank: return 'fa fa-bank fa-fw' if acct.acct_type == AcctType.Credit: return 'fa fa-credit-card fa-fw' if acct.acct_type == AcctType.Investment: return 'glyphicon glyphicon-piggy-bank' if acct.acct_type == AcctType.Cash: return 'fa fa-dollar fa-fw'
[docs]@app.template_filter('decimal_to_percent') def decimal_to_percent(d): if d is None: return '' d = d * 100 return '%.2f%%' % d
[docs]@app.template_filter('dict_to_class_args') def dict_to_class_args(j): if 'args' not in j and 'kwargs' not in j: return '' args = j.get('args', []) s = ', '.join(['%s' % a for a in args]) kwargs = j.get('kwargs', {}) s += ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs.keys()]) return s
[docs]@app.template_filter('monthsyears') def monthsyears(num): if num < 12: return '%f months' % num return '%.1f years' % (num / 12.0)
[docs]@app.template_filter('budgetCell') def budget_cell_filter(d): """ Given a dictionary of budget IDs to names and amounts like that returned by :py:meth:`~.BiweeklyPayPeriod._dict_for_trans`, return the ``<td>`` content for those budgets. """ if len(d) == 1: foo = list(d.keys())[0] return '<a href="/budgets/%d">%s</a>' % (foo, d[foo]['name']) items = [ '<a href="/budgets/%d">%s</a> (%s)' % ( k, d[k]['name'], dollars_filter(d[k]['amount']) ) for k in sorted(d.keys(), key=lambda x: d[x]['amount'], reverse=True) ] return '<br />'.join(items)