
File: biweeklybudget/flaskapp/static/js/reconcile.js


Given an OFXTransaction fitid, return a “clean” (alphanumeric) version of it, suitable for use as an HTML element id.

  • fitid (String) – original, unmodified OFXTransaction fitid.
ignoreOfxTrans(acct_id, fitid)

Show the modal for reconciling an OFXTransaction without a matching Transaction. Calls ignoreOfxTransDivForm() to generate the modal form div content. Uses an inline function to handle the save action, which calls reconcileOfxNoTrans() to perform the reconcile action.

  • acct_id (number) – the Account ID of the OFXTransaction
  • fitid (string) – the FitID of the OFXTransaction
ignoreOfxTransDivForm(acct_id, fitid)

Generate the modal form div content for the modal to reconcile a Transaction without a matching OFXTransaction. Called by transNoOfx().

  • acct_id (number) – the Account ID of the OFXTransaction
  • fitid (string) – the FitID of the OFXTransaction
makeTransFromOfx(acct_id, fitid)

Link function to create a Transaction from a specified OFXTransaction, and then reconcile them.

  • acct_id (Integer) – the OFXTransaction account ID
  • fitid (String) – the OFXTransaction fitid
makeTransSaveCallback(data, acct_id, fitid)

Callback for the “Save” button on the Transaction modal created by makeTransFromOfx(). Displays the new Transaction at the bottom of the Transactions list, then reconciles it with the original OFXTransaction

  • data (Object) – response data from POST to /forms/transaction
  • acct_id (Integer) – the OFXTransaction account ID
  • fitid (String) – the OFXTransaction fitid
reconcileDoUnreconcile(trans_id, acct_id, fitid)

Unreconcile a reconciled OFXTransaction/Transaction. This removes trans_id from the reconciled variable, empties the Transaction div’s reconciled div, and shows the OFX div.

  • trans_id (Integer) – the transaction id
  • acct_id (Integer) – the account id
  • fitid (String) – the FITID

Unreconcile a reconciled NoOFX Transaction. This removes trans_id from the reconciled variable and empties the Transaction div’s reconciled div.

  • trans_id (Integer) – the transaction id
reconcileDoUnreconcileNoTrans(acct_id, fitid)

Unreconcile a reconciled NoTrans OFXTransaction. This removes acct_id + "%" + fitid from the ofxIgnored variable and regenerates the OFXTransaction’s div.

  • acct_id (number) – the Account ID of the OFXTransaction
  • fitid (string) – the FitID of the OFXTransaction

Show unreconciled OFX transactions in the proper div. Empty the div, then load transactions via ajax. Uses reconcileShowOFX() as the ajax callback.


Show unreconciled transactions in the proper div. Empty the div, then load transactions via ajax. Uses reconcileShowTransactions() as the ajax callback.


Handle click of the Submit button on the reconcile view. This POSTs to /ajax/reconcile via ajax. Feedback is provided by appending a div with id reconcile-msg to div#notifications-row/div.col-lg-12.


Generate a div for an individual OFXTransaction, to display on the reconcile view.

  • ofxtrans (Object) – ajax JSON object representing one OFXTransaction
reconcileOfxNoTrans(acct_id, fitid, note)

Reconcile an OFXTransaction without a matching Transaction. Called from the Save button handler in ignoreOfxTrans().


Ajax callback handler for reconcileGetOFX(). Display the returned data in the proper div.

  • data (Object) – ajax response (JSON array of OFXTransaction Objects)

Ajax callback handler for reconcileGetTransactions(). Display the returned data in the proper div.

Sets each Transaction div as droppable, using reconcileTransHandleDropEvent() as the drop event handler and reconcileTransDroppableAccept() to test if a draggable is droppable on the element.

  • data (Object) – ajax response (JSON array of Transaction Objects)

Generate a div for an individual Transaction, to display on the reconcile view. Called from reconcileShowTransactions(), makeTransSaveCallback() and updateReconcileTrans().

  • trans (Object) – ajax JSON object representing one Transaction

Accept function for droppables, to determine if a given draggable can be dropped on it.

  • drag (Object) – the draggable element being dropped.
reconcileTransHandleDropEvent(event, ui)

Handler for Drop events on reconcile Transaction divs. Setup as handler via reconcileShowTransactions(). This just gets the draggable and the target from the event and ui, and then passes them on to reconcileTransactions().

  • event (Object) – the drop event
  • ui (Object) – the UI element, containing the draggable
reconcileTransNoOfx(trans_id, note)

Reconcile a Transaction without a matching OFXTransaction. Called from the Save button handler in transNoOfx().

reconcileTransactions(ofx_div, target)

Reconcile a transaction; move the divs and other elements as necessary, and updated the reconciled variable.

  • ofx_div (Object) – the OFXTransaction div element (draggable)
  • target (Object) – the Transaction div (drop target)

Callback for the GET /ajax/ofx/<acct_id>/<fitid> from makeTransFromOfx(). Receives the OFXTransaction data and populates it into the Transaction modal form.

  • data (Object) – OFXTransaction response data

Show the modal for reconciling a Transaction without a matching OFXTransaction. Calls transNoOfxDivForm() to generate the modal form div content. Uses an inline function to handle the save action, which calls reconcileTransNoOfx() to perform the reconcile action.

  • trans_id (number) – the ID of the Transaction

Generate the modal form div content for the modal to reconcile a Transaction without a matching OFXTransaction. Called by transNoOfx().

  • trans_id (number) – the ID of the Transaction

Trigger update of a single Transaction on the reconcile page.

  • trans_id (Integer) – the Transaction ID to update.