Source code for biweeklybudget.interest

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2016 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of biweeklybudget, also known as biweeklybudget.

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    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
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Jason Antman <> <>

import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from calendar import monthrange

from biweeklybudget.models import Account, AcctType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InterestHelper(object): def __init__(self, db_sess, increases={}, onetimes={}): """ Initialize interest calculation helper. :param db_sess: Database Session :type db_sess: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param increases: dict of :py:class:`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` for new max payment amount to take effect on the specified date. :type increases: dict :param onetimes: dict of :py:class:`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` for additional amounts to add to the first maximum payment on or after the given date :type onetimes: dict """ self._sess = db_sess self._accounts = self._get_credit_accounts() self._statements = self._make_statements(self._accounts) self._increases = increases self._onetimes = onetimes @property def accounts(self): """ Return a dict of `account_id` to :py:class:`~.Account` for all Credit type accounts with OFX data present. :return: dict of account_id to Account instance :rtype: dict """ return self._accounts
[docs] def _get_credit_accounts(self): """ Return a dict of `account_id` to :py:class:`~.Account` for all Credit type accounts with OFX data present. :return: dict of account_id to Account instance :rtype: dict """ accts = self._sess.query(Account).filter( Account.acct_type.__eq__(AcctType.Credit), Account.is_active.__eq__(True) ).all() res = { a for a in accts} return res
[docs] def _make_statements(self, accounts): """ Make :py:class:`~.CCStatement` instances for each account; return a dict of `account_id` to CCStatement instance. :param accounts: dict of (int) account_id to Account instance :type accounts: dict :return: dict of (int) account_id to CCStatement instance :rtype: dict """ res = {} for a_id, acct in accounts.items(): icls = INTEREST_CALCULATION_NAMES[acct.interest_class_name]['cls']( acct.effective_apr ) bill_period = _BillingPeriod( min_pay_cls = MIN_PAYMENT_FORMULA_NAMES[ acct.min_payment_class_name]['cls']() res[a_id] = CCStatement( icls, abs(acct.balance.ledger), min_pay_cls, bill_period, end_balance=abs(acct.balance.ledger), interest_amt=Decimal('0') ) logger.debug('Statements: %s', res) return res
@property def min_payments(self): """ Return a dict of `account_id` to minimum payment for the latest statement, for each account. :return: dict of `account_id` to minimum payment (Decimal) :rtype: dict """ res = {} for a_id, stmt in self._statements.items(): res[a_id] = stmt.minimum_payment logger.debug('Minimum payments by account_id: %s', res) return res
[docs] def calculate_payoffs(self): """ Calculate payoffs for each account/statement. :return: dict of payoff information. Keys are payoff method names. Values are dicts, with keys "description" (str description of the payoff method), "doc" (the docstring of the class), and "results". The "results" dict has integer `account_id` as the key, and values are dicts with keys "payoff_months" (int), "total_payments" (Decimal), "total_interest" (Decimal) and ``next_payment`` (Decimal). :rtype: dict """ res = {} max_total = sum(list(self.min_payments.values())) for name in sorted(PAYOFF_METHOD_NAMES.keys()): cls = PAYOFF_METHOD_NAMES[name]['cls'] klass = cls( max_total, increases=self._increases, onetimes=self._onetimes ) if not cls.show_in_ui: continue res[name] = { 'description': PAYOFF_METHOD_NAMES[name]['description'], 'doc': PAYOFF_METHOD_NAMES[name]['doc'] } try: res[name]['results'] = self._calc_payoff_method(klass) except Exception as ex: res[name]['error'] = str(ex) logger.error('Minimum payment method %s failed: %s', name, ex) return res
[docs] def _calc_payoff_method(self, cls): """ Calculate payoffs using one method. :param cls: payoff method class :type cls: biweeklybudget.interest._PayoffMethod :return: Dict with integer `account_id` as the key, and values are dicts with keys "payoff_months" (int), "total_payments" (Decimal), "total_interest" (Decimal), "next_payment" (Decimal). :rtype: dict """ balances = { x: self._statements[x].principal for x in self._statements.keys() } res = {} calc = calculate_payoffs(cls, list(self._statements.values())) for idx, result in enumerate(calc): a_id = list(self._statements.keys())[idx] res[a_id] = { 'payoff_months': result[0], 'total_payments': result[1], 'total_interest': result[1] - balances[a_id], 'next_payment': result[2] } return res
[docs]class _InterestCalculation(object): #: Human-readable string name of the interest calculation type. description = None def __init__(self, apr): """ :param apr: Annual Percentage Rate as a decimal :type apr: decimal.Decimal """ self._apr = apr def __repr__(self): return '<%s(decimal.Decimal(\'%s\'))>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.apr ) @property def apr(self): return self._apr
[docs] def calculate(self, principal, first_d, last_d, transactions={}): """ Calculate compound interest for the specified principal. :param principal: balance at beginning of statement period :type principal: decimal.Decimal :param first_d: date of beginning of statement period :type first_d: :param last_d: last date of statement period :type last_d: :param transactions: dict of to float amount adjust the balance by on the specified dates. :type transactions: dict :return: dict describing the result: end_balance (float), interest_paid (float) :rtype: dict """ raise NotImplementedError("Must implement in subclass")
[docs]class AdbCompoundedDaily(_InterestCalculation): """ Average Daily Balance method, compounded daily (like American Express). """ #: Human-readable string name of the interest calculation type. description = 'Average Daily Balance Compounded Daily (AmEx)'
[docs] def calculate(self, principal, first_d, last_d, transactions={}): """ Calculate compound interest for the specified principal. :param principal: balance at beginning of statement period :type principal: decimal.Decimal :param first_d: date of beginning of statement period :type first_d: :param last_d: last date of statement period :type last_d: :param transactions: dict of to float amount adjust the balance by on the specified dates. :type transactions: dict :return: dict describing the result: end_balance (float), interest_paid (float) :rtype: dict """ dpr = self._apr / Decimal(365.0) interest = Decimal(0.0) num_days = 0 bal_total = Decimal(0.0) bal = principal d = first_d while d <= last_d: num_days += 1 if d in transactions: bal += transactions[d] int_amt = bal * dpr interest += int_amt bal += int_amt bal_total += bal d += timedelta(days=1) adb = bal_total / Decimal(num_days) final = adb * self._apr * num_days / Decimal(365.0) bal += final * dpr return { 'interest_paid': final, 'end_balance': bal }
[docs]class SimpleInterest(_InterestCalculation): """ Simple interest, charged on balance at the end of the billing period. """ #: Human-readable string name of the interest calculation type. description = 'Interest charged once on the balance at end of period.'
[docs] def calculate(self, principal, first_d, last_d, transactions={}): """ Calculate compound interest for the specified principal. :param principal: balance at beginning of statement period :type principal: decimal.Decimal :param first_d: date of beginning of statement period :type first_d: :param last_d: last date of statement period :type last_d: :param transactions: dict of to float amount adjust the balance by on the specified dates. :type transactions: dict :return: dict describing the result: end_balance (float), interest_paid (float) :rtype: dict """ num_days = 0 bal = principal d = first_d while d <= last_d: num_days += 1 if d in transactions: bal += transactions[d] d += timedelta(days=1) final = bal * self._apr * num_days / Decimal(365.0) return { 'interest_paid': final, 'end_balance': bal + final }
[docs]class _BillingPeriod(object): #: human-readable string description of the billing period type description = None def __init__(self, end_date, start_date=None): """ Construct a billing period that is defined by a number of days. :param end_date: end date of the billing period :type end_date: :param start_date: start date for billing period; if specified, will override calculation of start date :type start_date: """ self._period_for_date = end_date if start_date is None: if < 15: # if end date is < 15, period is month before end_date self._end_date = (end_date.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)) self._start_date = self._end_date.replace(day=1) else: # if end date >= 15, period is month containing end_date self._start_date = end_date.replace(day=1) self._end_date = end_date.replace( day=(monthrange( end_date.year, end_date.month )[1]) ) else: self._start_date = start_date self._end_date = self._start_date.replace( day=(monthrange( self._start_date.year, self._start_date.month )[1]) ) def __repr__(self): return '<BillingPeriod(%s, start_date=%s)>' % ( self._end_date, self._start_date ) @property def start_date(self): return self._start_date @property def end_date(self): return self._end_date @property def payment_date(self): period_length = (self._end_date - self._start_date).days return self._start_date + timedelta(days=int(period_length / 2)) @property def next_period(self): """ Return the next billing period after this one. :return: next billing period :rtype: _BillingPeriod """ return _BillingPeriod( self._end_date + relativedelta(months=1), start_date=(self._end_date + timedelta(days=1)) ) @property def prev_period(self): """ Return the previous billing period before this one. :return: previous billing period :rtype: _BillingPeriod """ e = self._start_date - timedelta(days=1) return _BillingPeriod(e, start_date=e.replace(day=1))
[docs]class _MinPaymentFormula(object): #: human-readable string description of the formula description = None def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def calculate(self, balance, interest): """ Calculate the minimum payment for a statement with the given balance and interest amount. :param balance: balance amount for the statement :type balance: decimal.Decimal :param interest: interest charged for the statement period :type interest: decimal.Decimal :return: minimum payment for the statement :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MinPaymentAmEx(_MinPaymentFormula): """ Interest on last statement plus 1% of balance, or $35 if balance is less than $35. """ #: human-readable string description of the formula description = 'AmEx - Greatest of Interest Plus 1% of Principal, or $35' def __init__(self): super(MinPaymentAmEx, self).__init__()
[docs] def calculate(self, balance, interest): """ Calculate the minimum payment for a statement with the given balance and interest amount. :param balance: balance amount for the statement :type balance: decimal.Decimal :param interest: interest charged for the statement period :type interest: decimal.Decimal :return: minimum payment for the statement :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ amt = interest + (balance * Decimal('.01')) if amt < 35: amt = 35 return amt
[docs]class MinPaymentDiscover(_MinPaymentFormula): """ Greater of: - $35; or - 2% of the New Balance shown on your billing statement; or - $20, plus any of the following charges as shown on your billing statement: fees for any debt protection product that you enrolled in on or after 2/1/2015; Interest Charges; and Late Fees. """ #: human-readable string description of the formula description = 'Discover - Greatest of 2% of Principal, or $20 plus ' \ 'Interest, or $35' def __init__(self): super(MinPaymentDiscover, self).__init__()
[docs] def calculate(self, balance, interest): """ Calculate the minimum payment for a statement with the given balance and interest amount. :param balance: balance amount for the statement :type balance: decimal.Decimal :param interest: interest charged for the statement period :type interest: decimal.Decimal :return: minimum payment for the statement :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ options = [ Decimal(35), balance * Decimal('0.02'), Decimal(20) + interest ] return max(options)
[docs]class MinPaymentCiti(_MinPaymentFormula): """ Greater of: - $25; - The new balance, if it's less than $25; - 1 percent of the new balance, plus the current statement's interest charges or minimum interest charges, plus late fees; - 1.5% of the new balance, rounded to the nearest dollar amount. In all cases, add past fees and finance charges due, plus any amount in excess of credit line. """ #: human-readable string description of the formula description = 'Citi - Greatest of 1.5% of Principal, or 1% of Principal ' \ 'plus interest and fees, or $25, or Principal' def __init__(self): super(MinPaymentCiti, self).__init__()
[docs] def calculate(self, balance, interest): """ Calculate the minimum payment for a statement with the given balance and interest amount. :param balance: balance amount for the statement :type balance: decimal.Decimal :param interest: interest charged for the statement period :type interest: decimal.Decimal :return: minimum payment for the statement :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ options = [ 25, (balance * Decimal('0.01')) + interest, round(balance * Decimal('0.015')) ] if balance < Decimal('25'): options.append(balance) return max(options)
[docs]class _PayoffMethod(object): """ A payoff method for multiple cards; a method of figuring out how much to pay on each card, each month. """ #: human-readable string name of the payoff method description = None def __init__(self, max_total_payment=None, increases={}, onetimes={}): """ Initialize a payment method. :param max_total_payment: maximum total payment for all statements :type max_total_payment: decimal.Decimal :param increases: dict of :py:class:`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` for new max payment amount to take effect on the specified date. :type increases: dict :param onetimes: dict of :py:class:`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal` for additional amounts to add to the first maximum payment on or after the given date :type onetimes: dict """ self._max_total = max_total_payment self._increases = increases self._onetimes = onetimes def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%s, increases=%s, onetimes=%s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._max_total, self._increases, self._onetimes )
[docs] def max_total_for_period(self, period): """ Given a :py:class:`~._BillingPeriod`, calculate the maximum total payment for that period, including both `self._max_total` and the increases and onetimes specified on the class constructor. :param period: billing period to get maximum total payment for :type period: _BillingPeriod :return: maximum total payment for the period :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ res = self._max_total for inc_d in sorted(self._increases.keys(), reverse=True): if inc_d > period.payment_date: continue inc_amt = self._increases[inc_d] logger.debug('Found increase of %s starting on %s, applied to ' 'period %s', inc_amt, inc_d, period) res = inc_amt break for ot_d, ot_amt in self._onetimes.items(): if period.prev_period.payment_date < ot_d <= period.payment_date: logger.debug('Found onetime of %s on %s in period %s', ot_amt, ot_d, period) res += ot_amt logger.debug('Period %s _max_total=%s max_total_for_period=%s', period, self._max_total, res) return res
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MinPaymentMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ Pay only the minimum on each statement. """ description = 'Minimum Payment Only' show_in_ui = True
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ return [s.minimum_payment for s in statements]
[docs]class FixedPaymentMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ TESTING ONLY - pay the same amount on every statement. """ description = 'TESTING ONLY - Fixed Payment for All Statements' show_in_ui = False
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ return [self._max_total for _ in statements]
[docs]class HighestBalanceFirstMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ Pay statements off from highest to lowest balance. """ description = 'Highest to Lowest Balance' show_in_ui = True
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ max_total = self.max_total_for_period(statements[0].billing_period) min_sum = sum([s.minimum_payment for s in statements]) if min_sum > max_total: raise TypeError( 'ERROR: Max total payment of %s is less than sum of minimum ' 'payments (%s)' % (max_total, min_sum) ) max_bal = Decimal('0.00') max_idx = None for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if stmt.principal > max_bal: max_bal = stmt.principal max_idx = idx res = [None for _ in statements] max_pay = max_total - ( min_sum - statements[max_idx].minimum_payment ) for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if idx == max_idx: res[idx] = max_pay else: res[idx] = statements[idx].minimum_payment return res
[docs]class HighestInterestRateFirstMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ Pay statements off from highest to lowest interest rate. """ description = 'Highest to Lowest Interest Rate' show_in_ui = True
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ max_total = self.max_total_for_period(statements[0].billing_period) min_sum = sum([s.minimum_payment for s in statements]) if min_sum > max_total: raise TypeError( 'ERROR: Max total payment of %s is less than sum of minimum ' 'payments (%s)' % (max_total, min_sum) ) max_apr = Decimal('0.00') max_idx = None for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if stmt.apr > max_apr: max_apr = stmt.apr max_idx = idx res = [None for _ in statements] max_pay = max_total - ( min_sum - statements[max_idx].minimum_payment ) for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if idx == max_idx: res[idx] = max_pay else: res[idx] = statements[idx].minimum_payment return res
[docs]class LowestBalanceFirstMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ Pay statements off from lowest to highest balance, a.k.a. the "snowball" method. """ description = 'Lowest to Highest Balance (a.k.a. Snowball Method)' show_in_ui = True
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ max_total = self.max_total_for_period(statements[0].billing_period) min_sum = sum([s.minimum_payment for s in statements]) if min_sum > max_total: raise TypeError( 'ERROR: Max total payment of %s is less than sum of minimum ' 'payments (%s)' % (max_total, min_sum) ) min_bal = Decimal('+Infinity') min_idx = None for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if stmt.principal < min_bal: min_bal = stmt.principal min_idx = idx res = [None for _ in statements] min_pay = max_total - ( min_sum - statements[min_idx].minimum_payment ) for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if idx == min_idx: res[idx] = min_pay else: res[idx] = statements[idx].minimum_payment return res
[docs]class LowestInterestRateFirstMethod(_PayoffMethod): """ Pay statements off from lowest to highest interest rate. """ description = 'Lowest to Highest Interest Rate' show_in_ui = True
[docs] def find_payments(self, statements): """ Given a list of statements, return a list of payment amounts to make on each of the statements. :param statements: statements to pay, list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` :type statements: list :return: list of payment amounts to make, same order as ``statements`` :rtype: list """ max_total = self.max_total_for_period(statements[0].billing_period) min_sum = sum([s.minimum_payment for s in statements]) if min_sum > max_total: raise TypeError( 'ERROR: Max total payment of %s is less than sum of minimum ' 'payments (%s)' % (max_total, min_sum) ) min_apr = Decimal('+Infinity') min_idx = None for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if stmt.apr < min_apr: min_apr = stmt.apr min_idx = idx res = [None for _ in statements] min_pay = max_total - ( min_sum - statements[min_idx].minimum_payment ) for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): if idx == min_idx: res[idx] = min_pay else: res[idx] = statements[idx].minimum_payment return res
[docs]def calculate_payoffs(payment_method, statements): """ Calculate the amount of time (in years) and total amount of money required to pay off the cards associated with the given list of statements. Return a list of (`float` number of years, `decimal.Decimal` amount paid, `decimal.Decimal` first payment amount) tuples for each item in `statements`. :param payment_method: method used for calculating payment amount to make on each statement; subclass of _PayoffMethod :type payment_method: _PayoffMethod :param statements: list of :py:class:`~.CCStatement` objects to pay off. :type statements: list :return: list of (`float` number of billing periods, `decimal.Decimal` amount paid, `decimal.Decimal` first payment amount) tuples for each item in `statements` :rtype: list """ def unpaid(s): return [x for x in s.keys() if s[x]['done'] is False] payoffs = {} logger.debug( 'calculating payoff via %s for: %s', payment_method, statements ) for idx, stmt in enumerate(statements): payoffs[stmt] = { 'months': 0, 'amt': Decimal('0.0'), 'idx': idx, 'done': False, 'next_pymt_amt': None } while len(unpaid(payoffs)) > 0: u = unpaid(payoffs) to_pay = payment_method.find_payments(u) for stmt, p_amt in dict(zip(u, to_pay)).items(): if stmt.principal <= Decimal('0'): payoffs[stmt]['done'] = True continue if stmt.principal <= p_amt: payoffs[stmt]['done'] = True payoffs[stmt]['months'] += 1 # increment months payoffs[stmt]['amt'] += stmt.principal if payoffs[stmt]['next_pymt_amt'] is None: payoffs[stmt]['next_pymt_amt'] = stmt.principal continue payoffs[stmt]['months'] += 1 # increment months payoffs[stmt]['amt'] += p_amt if payoffs[stmt]['next_pymt_amt'] is None: payoffs[stmt]['next_pymt_amt'] = p_amt new_s ='-1') * p_amt) payoffs[new_s] = payoffs[stmt] del payoffs[stmt] res = [] for s in sorted(payoffs, key=lambda x: payoffs[x]['idx']): tmp = ( payoffs[s]['months'], payoffs[s]['amt'], payoffs[s]['next_pymt_amt'] ) if payoffs[s]['next_pymt_amt'] is None: tmp = ( payoffs[s]['months'], payoffs[s]['amt'], Decimal('0.0') ) res.append(tmp) return res
[docs]class CCStatement(object): """ Represent a credit card statement (one billing period). """ def __init__(self, interest_cls, principal, min_payment_cls, billing_period, transactions={}, end_balance=None, interest_amt=None): """ Initialize a CCStatement. At least one of `start_date` and `end_date` must be specified. :param interest_cls: Interest calculation method :type interest_cls: _InterestCalculation :param principal: starting principal for this billing period :type principal: decimal.Decimal :param min_payment_cls: Minimum payment calculation method :type min_payment_cls: _MinPaymentFormula :param billing_period: Billing period :type billing_period: _BillingPeriod :param transactions: transactions applied during this statement. Dict of :py:class:`` to :py:class:`decimal.Decimal`. :type transactions: dict :param end_balance: the ending balance of the statement, if known. If not specified, this value will be calculated. :type end_balance: decimal.Decimal :param interest_amt: The amount of interest charged this statement. If not specified, this value will be calculated. :type interest_amt: decimal.Decimal """ if not isinstance(billing_period, _BillingPeriod): raise TypeError( 'billing_period must be an instance of _BillingPeriod' ) self._billing_period = billing_period if not isinstance(interest_cls, _InterestCalculation): raise TypeError( 'interest_cls must be an instance of _InterestCalculation' ) self._interest_cls = interest_cls if not isinstance(min_payment_cls, _MinPaymentFormula): raise TypeError( 'min_payment_cls must be an instance of _MinPaymentFormula' ) self._min_pay_cls = min_payment_cls self._orig_principal = principal self._min_pay = None self._transactions = transactions self._principal = end_balance self._interest_amt = interest_amt if end_balance is None or interest_amt is None: res = self._interest_cls.calculate( principal, self._billing_period.start_date, self._billing_period.end_date, self._transactions ) if end_balance is None: self._principal = res['end_balance'] if interest_amt is None: self._interest_amt = res['interest_paid'] def __repr__(self): return '<CCStatement(interest_cls=%s principal=%s min_payment_cls=%s ' \ 'transactions=%s end_balance=%s ' \ 'interest_amt=%s start_date=%s end_date=%s)>' % ( self._interest_cls, self._principal, self._min_pay_cls, self._transactions, self._principal, self._interest_amt, self.start_date, self.end_date ) @property def principal(self): return self._principal @property def billing_period(self): """ Return the Billing Period for this statement. :return: billing period for this statement :rtype: _BillingPeriod """ return self._billing_period @property def interest(self): return self._interest_amt @property def start_date(self): return self._billing_period.start_date @property def end_date(self): return self._billing_period.end_date @property def apr(self): return self._interest_cls.apr @property def minimum_payment(self): """ Return the minimum payment for the next billing cycle. :return: minimum payment for the next billing cycle :rtype: decimal.Decimal """ return self._min_pay_cls.calculate( self._principal, self._interest_amt )
[docs] def next_with_transactions(self, transactions={}): """ Return a new CCStatement reflecting the next billing period, with a payment of `amount` applied to it. :param transactions: dict of transactions, `` to `Decimal` :type transactions: dict :return: next period statement, with transactions applied :rtype: CCStatement """ return CCStatement( self._interest_cls, self._principal, self._min_pay_cls, self._billing_period.next_period, transactions=transactions )
[docs] def pay(self, amount): """ Return a new CCStatement reflecting the next billing period, with a payment of `amount` applied to it at the middle of the period. :param amount: amount to pay during the next statement period :type amount: decimal.Decimal :return: next period statement, with payment applied :rtype: CCStatement """ return self.next_with_transactions({ self._billing_period.next_period.payment_date: amount })
[docs]def subclass_dict(klass): d = {} for cls in klass.__subclasses__(): d[cls.__name__] = { 'description': cls.description, 'doc': cls.__doc__.strip(), 'cls': cls } return d
#: Dict mapping interest calculation class names to their description and #: docstring. INTEREST_CALCULATION_NAMES = subclass_dict(_InterestCalculation) #: Dict mapping Minimum Payment Formula class names to their description and #: docstring. MIN_PAYMENT_FORMULA_NAMES = subclass_dict(_MinPaymentFormula) #: Dict mapping Payoff Method class names to their description and docstring. PAYOFF_METHOD_NAMES = subclass_dict(_PayoffMethod)