biweeklybudget.settings module

biweeklybudget.settings.DB_CONNSTRING = 'sqlite:///:memory:'

string - SQLAlchemy database connection string. See the SQLAlchemy Database URLS docs for further information.

biweeklybudget.settings.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID = 1

int - Account ID to show first in dropdown lists. This must be the database ID of a valid account.

biweeklybudget.settings.PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE =, 3, 17) - The starting date of one pay period (generally the first pay period represented in data in this app). The dates of all pay periods will be determined based on an interval from this date. This must be specified in Y-m-d format (i.e. parsable by datetime.datetime.strptime() with %Y-%m-%d format).

biweeklybudget.settings.RECONCILE_BEGIN_DATE =, 1, 1) - When listing unreconciled transactions that need to be reconciled, any transaction before this date will be ignored. This must be specified in Y-m-d format (i.e. parsable by datetime.datetime.strptime() with %Y-%m-%d format).

biweeklybudget.settings.STALE_DATA_TIMEDELTA = datetime.timedelta(2)

datetime.timedelta - Time interval beyond which OFX data for accounts will be considered old/stale. This must be specified as a number (integer) that will be converted to a number of days.

biweeklybudget.settings.STATEMENTS_SAVE_PATH = '/home/docs/ofx'

string - (optional) Filesystem path to download OFX statements to, and for backfill_ofx to read them from.

biweeklybudget.settings.TOKEN_PATH = 'vault_token.txt'

string - (optional) Filesystem path to read Vault token from, for OFX credentials.

biweeklybudget.settings.VAULT_ADDR = ''

string - (optional) Address to connect to Vault at, for OFX credentials.